Are you a pyrotechnic?

Burns, candles, bunsen burners... oh my! What do these have in common? FIRE!!!! AH HA HA HA HA!!!!!- Er, I mean, fire. pyrotechnics are the glue between fire and humans. Find out if you are that glue.

You only need a SMALL amount of glue in the world, though. Through this quiz, I am hunting down all the 'glues' in the world wide web. please help me by doing this quiz and posting what you thought.

Created by: Gizmo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your first thought when you see a candle?
  2. What is fire?
  3. What is your room painted like?
  4. what is your favorite passtime?
  5. what is your favorite color?
  6. have you ever seen a counceler?
  7. What do you want to be when you grow up?(or your current Job)
  8. what is the goal in life?
  9. what's brown and sticky?
  10. Which is the most preposterous rule of childhood?

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Quiz topic: Am I a pyrotechnic?