Are you a people person?

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You have asked yourself many times "Am I a people person?" Well today is the day to find out! Discover jf you're that great guy, or if you're the shy person, or maybe you're just a bully. Find out today!

Are YOU the class clown? Or maybe you hide in the shadows to get away from people. Or maybe you're that guy who just bullies people. Find out in this amazing quiz today!

Created by: James the Cheeseburger
  1. Have you ever fought with some (like a fistfight)?
  2. Which power would you like the most.
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. How often do people laugh at your jokes?
  5. What do you do when you get hurt.
  6. What do you do when someone else get's hurt?
  7. Which of these things do you like most?
  8. What type of girl would you marry?
  9. Which one are you most?
  10. Why did the chicken cross the road?

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Quiz topic: Am I a people person?