Are you a nerd or a Sexy Beast

theres many nerd in this world theres many hotties in this world which one r u? i bet ur one of da people dat u hang out with hope u have a hot crew if no dont worry... at least u dont have to worry bout ur look go ahead take da quiz n spread da news bout ur score

r u a nerdy person or a sexy beast that no one can resist? have u ever wondered? well now u can have an answer no cheatin though!!! i will hunt u down if u cheat remember i no where u live

Created by: madziax
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you popular
  2. how many girl/boy-friends have u had
  3. 2+8-13*29/4-3*88/3+61-90=?
  4. who is da president of the U.S.?
  5. pick the answer
  6. what color is ur shirt
  7. who r u
  8. do u
  9. sure
  10. a stranger asks u to go to the movies with 'em
  11. wats ur fav sport
  12. wuz dat quiz thingy fun

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd or a Sexy Beast