Are You a Mets/Baseball Fan?

There are many suck ups but many true mets fans. Which one are you. Find out. C'mon take it. Now, you shouldn't be reading this. There are many suck ups but many true mets fans. Which one are you. Find out. C'mon take it. Now, you shouldn't be reading this.

Are you a true mets fan. Find out. Good luck.

Created by: metsfan
  1. What was the Mets first year in MLB?
  2. What was the Mets first stadium?
  3. Which one of these players was not on the Mets?
  4. Who was the mets first manager?
  5. Which years did the mets win the world series?
  6. Who of these has played pitcher?
  7. Which one of these parks is not real?
  8. Now back to the mets, which mets pitcher played on the yankees.
  9. Which one of these pitchers as of was not a met?
  10. Who will sponser new stadium where the mets will play?

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