Are You A Mathematician?

There are many smart people in this world. They can be smart at English, History, and much, much, more! But few are smart at math. Are YOU one of those people?

Are YOU a mathematician? Do you strive for numbers? Or do you just sit there, looking glum through class? Take this quiz to find out whether you are a mathematician or not!

Created by: Ellie
  1. How many digits of Pi do you know?
  2. What is 9 plus 9?
  3. When you daydream, do you solve math problems?
  4. What is your favorite subject in school?
  5. What is 123,456,789 times 987,654,321 equal to?
  6. Do you like math?
  7. I know this isn't a math question, but is there a ZER0 in this sentence?
  8. Do you like to impress people with your math skills?
  9. Do you like solving problems?
  10. If your parents "brag" about you to other people, what do they say?
  11. Do you consider yourself a math person?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Mathematician?