Are you a loyal Clan cat?

You want to find out how loyal you would be if you were a warrior cat? Take this quiz! Yeah, anyway, I need words.. This will all be a load of nonsense...

Ugh. This is also going to be a load of flipping rubbish. So, cat, rabbit, hamster, turtle, turn this very weird potion purple... or maybe Buttercups, daisies, amber and cello, turn also very weird flower book yellow...

Created by: Anonymous
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. As an Apprentice, you're mentor gives you the day to do anything, you;
  2. As a Kit, you're alone in the nursery with a snoring elder looking after you. You;
  3. As a Queen, your leader tells you to help the Medcat and leave your kits. You;
  4. As a warrior, you are just given an apprentice you hate; You
  5. As Deputy, you have a love in another clan and your leaders suspected something, You;
  6. As a leader, you find out you're going to have kits, You;
  7. You're favourite character in the first WC series;
  8. Favourite Clan in the first series;
  9. You'd rather;
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a loyal Clan cat?