Are you a Lohan, Britney or a Paris?

Are you a Britney, Paris or Lindsey? In just twelve simple questions you too can see what kind of a celebrity you'd be if you were in the tabloids. Believe it or not, there really is a difference!!!!!!!!

You will be asked about your hobbies, skills, likes and dislikes. And we hope you have a little fun as well. So whip out that Red Bull, yoga book and chihuahua, and enjoy.

Created by: Tempy of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. You wake up in the morning and
  2. To you, the best side dish with chicken is
  3. When you leave the house you
  4. What do you think of your salary?
  5. Your ex boyfriend/husband is
  6. If I could be any animal, I'd be
  7. You think children are
  8. Right now I am
  9. Our current president is
  10. My favorite city is

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Quiz topic: Am I a Lohan, Britney or a Paris?