Are you a Lesbian Or Not?

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Here is a quiz that may or may not help you find out who you are. I don't guarantee that this quiz will prove what your actual sexuality or gender is, so don't depend on this entirely! But, it can be done for fun, so don't let me ruin anything 4 you!

If this quiz doesn't do anything for you, that's okay! It was not made to say what you'll be or you are. But if you do enjoy this, make sure to rate it! :) (Note, sorry for the unrelated questions couldn't think of any more)

Created by: Leila
  1. What's your favourite color?
  2. Do you wear makeup?
  3. Do you have many friends that are girls or boys?
  4. What's your favourite things?
  5. Baggy clothes or tight?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Do you support Lesbians?
  8. Do you like a cold or warm temperature?
  9. Movie or show?
  10. Last question; are drag queens good or no?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Lesbian Or Not?
