Are you a leftie or a rightie?

Are you more left handed or right handed? Be honest and you'll find out. Personally, I'm a leftie but when I was younger, my teacher forced me to write with my right hand. I still write with my left hand though.

Omg I need 150 things (characters but they won't let me say it)!!! Hello hello hi hi bye bye bored bored annoyed annoyed yeah sorry but I gotta have 150 things and I don't know what to say!

Created by: proud_to_be_a_leftie
  1. With what hand do you write?
  2. With what hand do you brush your teeth?
  3. With what hand do you brush your hair?
  4. When you spread butter on a toast, which hand holds the toast?
  5. Which hand holds your fork when you eat?
  6. What hand do you use when you take a selfie?
  7. In your brain, what sens rules?
  8. When you do a handstand, what leg goes up first?
  9. What hand turns the pages when you read?
  10. Are you right-brained (feelings rule) or left-brained (thinking rules)?(hahaha! You don't know if right-brained is for righties or lefties or vis versa)

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Quiz topic: Am I a leftie or a rightie?