Are You A Lazy Person?

There are many who help around the house, but how much do YOU help? Do you just sit around all day looooong? Do you help a lot or not a tiny bit? Take my quiz to find out!

Do you help a lot, or just sit around all day? You had better hope you help a lot! Or are you too lazy to hope? Better hope you can exit this page.... Take this quiz and find out!!

Created by: hpthed00d
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you do housework?
  2. Watch a lot of TV?
  3. Ever vacuumed more than 3 times a week?
  4. Do you ever leave the place, where you sit down?
  5. Ever watch TV for 2+ hours straight when there's work to be done?
  6. Ever miss your favorite show to do work?
  7. Would you ever take the time to make a quiz like this?
  8. Will you make it to the end of this quiz?
  9. Gonna tell your friends about this?
  10. Will you remember your score?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Lazy Person?