Are you a Jelena fan?

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Selena Gomezand Justin Bieber have been quite a story for the past year!! Give your opinion on the quiz and see if you're a true fan or just a hater!!

Do you follow the latest Jelena scandals? Are you a true follower? Prove it. Take this quiz and at the end, we will know for sure if you ace or flunk the test! Dare ya! So come on down and try it!!!=)

Created by: Sheri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do when you see a picture of Jelena together?
  2. Do you like the name Selena Bieber?
  3. Do you think Selena is too good for Justin?
  4. Does it make you mad when Selena says her ralationship with Justin is "Little brother" "Just Friends" Etc?
  5. Do you read the articles and news stories of Jelena?
  6. Should Jelena have a realty TV show?Would you watch it?
  7. Do you think Selena is using Justin?
  8. Cutest couple- Selena Gomez with.....
  9. How would you describe Jelena's relationship?
  10. Should Jelena do a interview together?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Jelena fan?