Are You a Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a Jealous Boyfriend/girlfriend?

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  • Are you a jealous boyfriend/girldfrie nd?

    Your Result: You are the boyfriend/girlfrien deverboy/girlwants!


    You give just enough room in your relationship but yet still show who is boss. You know when to take control and when to let it go! This is great for the both of you! Take your boyfriend/girlfrien d and show them a good time tonight! You and him/her deserve it.

    67% You are very jealous!

    64% You are a little jealous but give some room.

    35% You are way to relaxed orscaredinyourrelat ionship.

    33% You are a little careless but not jealous.

  • Your Result: You are the boyfriend/girlfrien deverboy/girlwants!

    You give just enough room in your relationship but yet still show who is boss. You know when to take control and when to let it go! This is great for the both of you! Take your boyfriend/girlfrien d and show them a good time tonight! You and him/her deserve it

  • the girlfriend everybody wants. haha, cool. nice quiz.


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