are you a horse expert?

want to know if you're a horse expert? then this is the place to be! take this are you a horse expert quiz to see if YOU'RE a horse expert! are you???

are YOU a horse expert? take this quiz to find out if you have any suggestions for questions please tweet me @horsegirlstars as i always need more questions!

Created by: star

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  1. what is the soft bit in the middle of a horses foot called?
  2. what two horses is a fallabella from?
  3. what is under the horses tail called?
  4. what do standardbreds do?
  5. what is the smallest breed?
  6. can horses can live happily with cows and sheep?
  7. what is the strongest breed?
  8. is a numnah?
  9. what is the name of a very warm type of rug for horses out in winter?
  10. how long should you leave after feeding before riding?

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Quiz topic: Am I a horse expert?