Are you a hobo, polotician, or a relastate agent?

I love making quizzes. I love making quizzes almost as much as I love cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are the best. Or maybe sugar cookies............

I wish that I had a cookie. I wish that I had a pet unicorn too. If I had a pet unicorn I'd name it Chuck. If you had a pet unicorn what would you name it?

Created by: CNE
  1. What's your favorite way to travel?
  2. What's your dream house?
  3. When your boyfriend/girlfriend is mad at you what do you do?
  4. What's your favorite hobby?
  5. pick an object
  6. pick another object
  7. Pick one more object
  8. How are you feeling?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. Do you wish that you were eating a sandwich right now?

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Quiz topic: Am I a hobo, polotician, or a relastate agent?