Are you a gymnast, cheerleader, or dancer?

Hello! Are you wondering if you are a gymnast, dancer or cheerleader? Well, here you go! These questions and answers are pretty obvious, but I was lazy and bored.

Remember, this might not be an accurate result- it's just a quiz to take for fun, so don't take it seriously! I hope you enjoy the quiz if you are bored, if not I'm sorry! It's my first quiz. Also, there MIGHT be bad grammar...

Created by: Autumn
  1. How old are you?
  2. Are you flexible?
  3. Tumbling with shoes, or without shoes?
  4. Do you like instrumental music or with lyrics?
  5. Upbeat or slow music?
  6. Leotard or Cheer uniform?
  7. Which hair accessories?
  8. Individual or Team?
  9. How often would you practice?
  10. Do you like doing stunts?
  11. Did you like the quiz? No effect
  12. Will you rate and comment? No effect
  13. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I a gymnast, cheerleader, or dancer?

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