Are You A Great Friend?

There are many friends, and some are better than others. Those good friends are kept forever, but the bad ones, for a week. Oh well. You win some and lose some.

What type of friend are YOU? I mean are you about to lose your freinds over almost everything? Well now there's a way to know, so just take the quiz already!!

Created by: Megmeg n' Laurlaur
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend has a really great song on their MySpace, you...
  2. Your at lunch and your friend forgot to pack something you...
  3. Your friend trips in the middle of the hallway, you know she is totally embarrassed so you...
  4. Your friend trips in the middle of the hallway, you know she is totally embarrassed so you...
  5. Your best friend's crush asks you out. What do you do?
  6. Your beast friend tells you something and tells you not to tell anyone, you...
  7. Your best friend breaks up with someone that you like, you...
  8. You need to buy your friend a Christmas presnt so you decide on...
  9. Their having a really bad day so when you hang-out their all down-hearted, you...
  10. Your best friend has a dorky habit and it annoyes you like crazy, you...

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Quiz topic: Am I A Great Friend?