Are you a Goody Two Shoes or a Bad Man?

There are loads of goody two shoes, some people call them nerds, some people call them geeks. What do you think you are? This quiz will prove it out. Take it now!

There are loads of bad men, some people call them dabbers, some people call them mates, innit! What do you think you are? This quiz will prove it out. Take it now!

Created by: Ezaania Mayor - Choudrey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Glasses?
  2. Relationship?
  3. Play on streets?
  4. Books or iPhone?
  5. What clothes do you wear?
  6. Do you think you are....?
  7. Are you...?
  8. (RQ)Random Question
  9. How would you say hello?
  10. Rich or poor?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Goody Two Shoes or a Bad Man?