are you a good person to date?

are you a good person to date? do you have what it takes to win over the guy/girl.. find out... find out right now. what are you waiting for. you could be a dreamy date or a crash course to check now please! solve all your datind problems here. maybe it will help you catch a date or two...well what are you waiting for come on!

wana know why you havent landed your crush? find out why and if you are a good person to date or not.... what are you waiting for. you could be a dreamy date or a crash course to check now please! solve all your datind problems here. maybe it will help you catch a date or two...well what are you waiting for come on!

Created by: samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you first meet someone and exchange numbers..what is your first step you take?
  2. If you were to pick where to go on a first date with this person.. where would it be?
  3. if the dates going good how do you show it?
  4. what do you do before you go to pick up your date?
  5. whats the first thing you say to the person when you go to pick them up or you get picked up?
  6. what is your goal at the end of the night to complete a good date?
  7. when it all comes down to it what do you look for most in the opposite sex?
  8. do you think your a good person to date?
  9. are you a flirt?
  10. would you rather have love or be rich?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good person to date?