Are you a good person?

Have you done somethings in your life and wondered if others think you suck as a person? Take the quiz and find out if you are a good person. Don't be so delusional!!!

Do your friends trust you? Do others want to get to know you or do they avoid you? Ever wondered if the gossip about you is true? Find out by taking the quiz. It won't tell you WHO but you'll understand WHY.

Created by: brandy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
  2. Have you ever stole something?
  3. Have you had friends that just stop talking to you?
  4. When you pass a person on the street they...
  5. While out with friends..
  6. Men or women tend to get mad at you because...
  7. You have had to hide a relationship because...
  8. You ________ to earn your money.
  9. If you found something that didn't belong to you, you would...
  10. You told a lie...

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Quiz topic: Am I a good person?