are you a good bff!?

this is the kind of quiz you would go to if you would like to know if you are a awsome and great bff. this quiz asks question the reloves around your i hope you pass!

do you question yourself asking am i a good awsome bff? well now this quiz will answer those little questions in your head i hope you have fun with this great answering quiz!

Created by: Haylee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your bff's fav color
  2. what do you think is your bff's personalilty
  3. what is your bff's fav food
  4. do you like spending time with your bff
  5. what is your bff's fav celeb
  6. your bff is in the hospital but you are supposed to go out with your bf,which one would you attend to
  7. does your friend need a makeover
  8. what is your your bff's fav soda
  9. do you get jelous when your bff is hanging out with her/his other friend
  10. what color hair does your bff have
  11. what does your bff wanna be when he/her grows up
  12. which sibling does your bff have

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Quiz topic: Am I a good bff!?