Are you a fairytaleist?

A fairytaleist is someone who loves fairytales and believes in them no matter what the world may tell them. I believe anyone can be a fairytaleist if they just believe.

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Created by: Chloe
  1. This is the first Quiz I've ever made, Hope you like it!
  2. Do you imagine yourself in a whole different world/realm, if so how often?
  3. Do you read fairytale books?
  4. Do you believe Wonderland is real?
  5. Do you believe in fairies?
  6. Pineapple
  7. Do you imagine what life you be like with your crush as your boyfriend?
  8. Do you like glitter, and do you put it on everything?
  9. Are you rich, if so do you wish you were poor or average?
  10. Are you poor, if so do you wish you were rich or average?
  11. Are you average, if so do you wish you were rich or poor?
  12. Do you like libraries?
  13. Which would You be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a fairytaleist?
