are you a dog person

there are many people who think they truly want a dog but when they do have one they dont feel too grateful or satisfied.if you take this quiz you may just find out if you are ready to take on the responsibility

if you take this quiz you also find out if you might like to go for a cat because trust me they are just as fun!but taking this quiz will help you truly find out if you are a dog person

Created by: katherine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a sporty person
  2. do you go away alot
  3. do you have kids are younger siblings?
  4. do you have a good memory
  5. are you squimy
  6. sre you ofen alone
  7. do you have a low budget
  8. are you strict
  9. do you have a cat or dog
  10. what way do you travell around

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Quiz topic: Am I a dog person