are you a cool person

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take this quiz to see if u cool. hope u cool sxfgvjn bhfdxgvbhnjbgvfbhnjbgvfdxvgbhnjihbgvyfdrxgvybuihnjogdcrfvygbuihnjbgvfdcfvygbuihnjbgvfinhjbgvfuhgvfcvybhgvf


Created by: pepepeppepe
  1. what color is your hair
  2. how old are you
  3. do you have friends
  4. do you have any social media apps
  5. do you have a phone
  6. what is your favorite color
  7. what time do you go to bed
  8. what are your parents'relationship status
  9. do you have a brother or sister or both
  10. what device are you taking this quiz on
  11. what pet do you have
  12. which word best describes you
  13. how many people have you dated

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Quiz topic: Am I a cool person

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