Are you a BayBay kid?

Know those BayBay kids around the corner or on your stree? well, have you ever thought you could be like them. well take this quiz. find out, right now. it'll be fun.

are you a baybay kid? do you have the ignorance to be ignored? now you can stop your wonders. there is a great quiz, go ahead you know you want to find out!

Created by: Tamantha
  1. have you ever cursed at your own mama?
  2. what is your curfew?
  3. do you have a ton of siblings?
  4. when someone is all up in your grill what do you do?
  5. what kind of music do you like?
  6. are you a team player?
  7. how is your vocab.?
  8. got a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  9. are you bored?
  10. do you think you are a BayBay kid?

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Quiz topic: Am I a BayBay kid?