Are you a bad or dangerously good guy? take quiz to find out

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Not all of these questions will be clear so, just do the best you can and if you don't know the answer just put one down so, good luck and try to get the result you want but it depends on your personality.

prepare for these fifteen questions that will determine whether you are a dangerous werewolf, a hungry Wendigo, a slithering kanima, or a sickly sweet smelling vampire. So, get ready for the quiz.

Created by: Lisa Scott
  1. what is your gender and favorite animal?
  2. What is your favorite creature?
  3. what pet would you rather have?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Would you rather kill or protect someone?
  6. what is your favorite way to get something?
  7. Where would you rather live?
  8. What is your favorite source?
  9. Why would you break in?
  10. Which supernatural creature is your favorite?
  11. What do you call your family?
  12. You kill for protection for others.
  13. who would you do anything for?
  14. What is the code
  15. What do you do if you see a stray dog on the street?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bad or dangerously good guy? take quiz to find out
