are u depressed

This quiz was to see if you were depressed or happy as all can be and wasn't the best quiz in fact i do agree its really probably the worst quiz u will ever take although i am only a kid and it was my first time i say its pretty f---ing good for a 9 year old lol i will try and make a better one soon.

im pretty fair with what i can and cant do i no that what your results are are not completely right like if it said u were depressed u could have actually been happy because of just one point off but i hope you liked again i no its not the best but what the hell i was bored and decided to make one so yea i guess ill stop writting cause i no u dont want to read more of this lame crap that is just peircing yout mind with nothing but lies haha im just kidding about that but u know danm ok ill stop right about...NOW

Created by: jake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favorite color?
  2. how much makeup do u where?
  3. What do u do when u are mad,sad,or depressed
  4. how old are you
  5. whats your sex?
  6. what kind of music do u like most?
  7. how much would u say u think of suicide?
  8. what do u think about school/work
  9. if u could be anything what would it be?
  10. How do u get along with other people?

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