Are u as dumb as my brother

There are many brothers out there but some are just plan old dumb and some are smart but mine u don't want to know what he's like but still take the quiz

This is the first are u as dumb as my brother quiz so thx and plz take it to because u can know how dumb u are or if ur dummer then my brother and I hope u know don't do any thing I said in this quiz

Created by: Jada paredes
  1. What is 9+10
  2. How dose my brother spell 'me"
  3. What did my brother do last week ( which don't do because u he almost had to go to the hospital and this is something dumb to do)
  4. Is 23 an even number
  5. What dose 3✖️3 = ?
  6. What's the dumbest show my brother watches
  7. So how far do u think u know how dumb my brother is
  8. What else did my brother do stupid and p.s there might be a lot of this because thats what this test is for
  9. What was my brother 2 years in a row for Halloween ( he was fat when wearing this so it didn't look like the character)
  10. Last one how dumb do u think my brother is
  11. Will u comment on this and NOT copy this if u have a dum brother

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