are u a good fighter???????

there a good fighters bad fighters wana be fighters and none fighters at all but every thing aventual come to a fight once in a while so can u take them on or fall to the ground the the cwerds some are its all up to u wat happens

now if your the punks that say your the stuff and cant back it up with your fist or the ones that start stuff and try to get out of it your sadly mistaking cause on day your gana run in to some one like me who will knock you out

Created by: brooke
  1. if someone calls u out do u
  2. if some one punches u in the face u
  3. if ur getting ganged up on what do u do
  4. if u find out some one treating your family members wrong what do u do
  5. if some one steels your boy/girl friend what do u do
  6. on a scale one to ten do u think your a good fighter
  7. finally the last question
  8. just kiding
  9. if ur made at some one what do u do
  10. do u think my test was good

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