are u a child or a teen

congratulations if ur a teen or child do not complain unless your a child......keep trying if u keep getting child congrats if u get teen so take this quiz to find out take take take take it

congratulations if ur a teen or child do not complain unless your a child......keep trying if u keep getting child congrats if u get teen so take this quiz to find out take take take take it :)

Created by: Kalari Lina Mary Lopez
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u think u r fat?
  2. if one day u were walking in a mall once uve bought a new shirt and the buttons all pop off what would u do
  3. how much makeup do you use
  4. what type of clothing do u use
  5. emo or gothic
  6. how many pounds r u
  7. emolicious or gothiviscious?
  8. are u friendly or shy
  9. car or truck
  10. frog or toad

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