Are our high schools alike?

Ok so this is my first quiz and if its not good please tell me in the comments. Just dont be hateful please. :) sooo i dont know what else to put.oh yeah and can you all give me ideas about new quizzes?

So go ahead and take the quiz what are you waiting for?! Seriosly?! Okay the rest is just gibberish now.fhdffdtfdhfdfhfdfhfdtfdhftfhtdhtdutdhtfhtfjyfk

Created by: monkaree2
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a football team?
  2. Who are your fellow classmates scared of more?
  3. What are your popular people like?
  4. Do you have a dean?
  5. (If you have a dean answer this question) what is your dean like?
  6. How many people do you have going there
  7. What is your school mostly made up of?
  8. (The rest dont count)
  9. Dytdrrshfhgdgrd
  10. Bye!!

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