An actually-accurate BIONICLE quiz!

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Hello! So I was doing some BIONICLE quizes, four of them actually, on this page and... I noticed they're all... bad. Very bad and inaccurate. So I took it upon myself to make my own quiz on here about BIONICLE.

This quiz is heavily, if not entirely, lore based. I know there's a lot of set enthusiasts but... I ain't one of 'em. So are you a BIONICLE fan? Go right ahead and do this quiz! signed ~Wolk

Created by: Wolk
  1. With the exception of Av-Matoran, how many tribes (elements) of Matoran were traditionally female?
  2. Which of the following was known to have worn a Kanohi Olmak at some point in time?
  3. The Kanohi Ignika, Mask of Life, was known to place curses on anyone who picked it up. Who was cursed with the ability of killing anything they touched?
  4. Which of the following is known to be the name of a Great Being?
  5. What was the name of the Mask of Regeneration?
  6. How long before the end of the main story did the event known as the Matoran Civil War start?
  7. Out of the following, what is *not* the name of a canon Kanohi mask?
  8. Who said this quote? "You just saw our technique. We laugh in the face of danger. But sometimes, danger doesn't get the joke."
  9. What were the two Factions of the Matoran Civil War?
  10. Who is 'the red one'?

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