Am I being good enough? 😳😉😍

This quiz can tell you who you are and what people view you as, you can have three different results, everyone wishes they could read the minds of everyone else!

Some people dream on, but this is where it stops, do you have what it takes and can you feel this quiz, reading you, and I can read you, this is accuracy.....

Created by: Alison Heightman
  1. How is/was school?
  2. Do certain things make you feel bad?
  3. How many school friends do you have?
  4. Best song of 2015?
  5. Best artist of 2015?
  6. Fave commercial?
  7. My Closet
  8. Breakfast is........
  9. My name is......
  10. Have you ever had sex before or had a boyfriend or had a crush?
  11. I take care of myself as in....
  12. Boys think I'm.....
  13. Best movie ever!

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