Am I attractive?

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Take this quiz to find out how pretty you are! I know your already VERY pretty but still!! Want a better description of what i mean? Take the QUIZ!!!

Need a self confidence boost? take this quiz. It will help for sure! I'm not sure what to do with this extra space... HAH... so take the quiz already!!

Created by: Tupper_bin
  1. When a cute guy talks to you, what do you do?
  2. When you are getting ready to go out, what do you wear?
  3. When your on facebook and someone calls you ugly what do you do?
  4. Your best friend shows up to school in the same outfit. What do you do?
  5. Your at a the pool (random example :P) and you see a really pretty girl flirting with the guy you like.. now what?
  6. You are called ugly by that pretty girl at school. You....
  7. When when it be okay for you to call yourself pretty?
  8. When you are looking in the Mirror what do you do?
  9. Do you want to look like someone else?
  10. Do you think your pretty?

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