Am I a good babysitter or a bad one?

Have you ever wondered if you would be a good babysitter or nanny? Is babysitting or nannying your dream job? If so, you're in luck!!!

This fun, multiple choice babysitting quiz tests your knowledge about childcare! If you're thinking about being a babysitter or nanny one day, this is the quiz for you!

Created by: Miss B
  1. Do you do well with children?
  2. What would you bring in your bag?
  3. You're babysitting for 8 year old twins, Khloe and Kendyll. What games would you play with them?
  4. You're babysitting for 5 year old triplets, Eda, Ada, and Ida. Ada hits Ida. Then Eda says a bad word! What do you do?
  5. You're babysitting for 6 year old Emma and 7 year old Emmett. Suddenly, Emmett PUNCHES EMMA IN THE FACE! What do you do now?
  6. What do you make the kids for lunch/supper?
  7. What do you do when a kid barfs?
  8. What would you do if a baby had a dirty diaper?
  9. It's bedtime for the kids, but they won't stay in bed! What do you do?
  10. The parents are home! How much do you charge for babysitting?

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