Almost Impossible to Pass

You are about to take a vary hard quiz. Read the information in the paragraph below and try your best. No cheating, good luck. Proceed with extreme caution.

This quiz has 10 questions excluding the age and gender quiz. Correct answers give you points while incorrect answers will subtract points. Best of luck, you may begin.

Created by: StephenChuang
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is a liquid non metal at room temperature? [1/-4]
  2. sine=____ cosine=_____ and tangent=_____. Fill in the gaps. [1/-4]
  3. Vermillion is a shade of what colour? [1/-4]
  4. In the play Coriolanus, who is the enemy of Coriolanus? [1/-4]
  5. How tall is the tallest building in the world as of 2015? [1/-4]
  6. In which year did an Air New Zealand DC-10 crash on Mount Erebus? [1/-4]
  7. Which YouTube user has the most subscribers out of these? [0/-4]
  8. True or false? 1 to the power of anything is 1. [1/-4]
  9. The melting point of mercury is approximately what temperature? [1/-4]
  10. The world's oldest tennis court is in which city? [1/-3]

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