All I want....Is You

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Even though there maybe not may WWE fans out there, its one of the most awesome thing you could get into! I never got into it until years ago! Its so fun!

Are YOU a WWE Fan? Do you know all you need to know about the WWE Superstars and Divas? Then take this quiz and find out if your predictions on what could happen is right here in this quiz!

Created by: Lilli
  1. Who does Kelly Kelly look better with? Dating wise.
  2. If you where Randy Orton, who would you pick to do a storyline with?
  3. If John Cena had to pick a story line with a WWE Dive, who would it be?
  4. If Kelly Kelly broke up with John Cena, who would you like to comfort her?
  5. If you had to pick who was the hottest, who would you pick?
  6. If Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase had to pick a Diva(s) to be a member of Legacy, who would it be?
  7. Who's a better Diva for Cody Rhodes?
  8. Who's a good Diva for Kane? Dating\Marriage wise
  9. Who was the youngest World Heavy Weight Champion
  10. Who is the best in the world?

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