Aerican Empire test: How Aerican are you?

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Attention Aericans and fellow micronationalists. Are you a real Aerican? Or are you just inactive? Do this test to find out whether you are a real Aerican or not!

The Aerican Empire is a micronation founded by a boy in Canada. The capital city, Earth, is located in Montreal. It’s a constitutional monarchy with a democratic and parliamentary system.

  1. Firstly, we will start with 3 easy questions. Who is the founder of the Aerican Empire?
  2. Are you a citizen of the Aerican Empire?
  3. What’s your favorite film genre?
  4. Here comes the harder questions. Are you ready?(Doesn’t count in your score.)
  5. The Aerican Empire was founded…
  6. Geography lesson: The only imaginary territory of the Aerican Empire is…
  7. Are you a Silinist (or believe in in Silinism)?
  8. Have you ever seen the emperor?
  9. Have you ever met another citizen in your life?
  10. Can you sing the Empire’s national anthem without looking at the script?
  11. What’s your political affiliation?
  12. What’s your personality?
  13. Do you support micronations?
  14. Which of the following animal is Forsteri?
  15. What’s the motto on the Empire’s coat of arms?
  16. Do you like the idea of colonizing Mars?
  17. How to pronounce the word “Aerica”?
  18. Then what about colonizing Pluto?
  19. Do you like Star Wars?
  20. Do you know how Aerica got its flag and name?
  21. Do you like this quiz? (Doesn’t count in your result).

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Quiz topic: Aerican Empire test: How Aerican am I?
