
Did you find that hard,quite hard,quite easy or easy.But as Justin Bieber said'It doesn't matter how well you did,it's about having fun.'Those are my favourite of his expressions.

How well did you do?Or even better,did you have fun.If you got a bad result,were you able to laugh at yourself.Or did you just Grumble and curse under your breath.

Created by: adam sinclair
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What hight is he?
  2. What is his middle name?
  3. What is his favourite colour?
  4. What is his mum's name?
  5. How many siblings has he got?
  6. What is his sister's name?
  7. What is his brother's name?
  8. What is his other brother's name?
  9. What is Justin's dads name?
  10. What is Justin Bieber's first number one hit?

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