About me , me , me and me

This quiz that you about to take is about who knows me or who don't know me or how much they no me I know lots of people who know a lot about like my best friend Brooke she's the funny one I'm the layed back one and I hope some if ya'll people know alot about me are you goinig to get a bad score

Do you know alot about me?Do you have the power to get all the right answers?I hope who ever tak this quiz is ready to know more about me because this quiz is all about me me and me and I will like to say good luck and I hope ya'll get a good score and Know alot about me.

Created by: dominique1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who's my bestfriend?
  2. Whats my favorite color
  3. Who did I us to go with?
  4. Who's my favorite Rapper?
  5. Who's mybestfriends boyfriend?
  6. Who's My B---- an crime
  7. who's my nigga
  8. Who my niece
  9. Whats My favorite sport?
  10. How do my pictures look

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