A dog romance! -pt.2-

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This is part two. I got 14 more parts to go. I hope you read part one! If not then go check that out you will understand why you bark and have to have dog stuff.

I hope you like it! I also hope that you liked the first one. I got 14 more stories to make. This is my second story. I hope you have a good time reading these.

Created by: Story/quiz teen girl

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  1. Then Athena put the car on. You layed there waiting. Then she stopped at Pet Smart, She grabbed the cage and went in. She grabbed a color. She looked at it and put it back.
  2. Then she grabbed another and put it on you. You loved it. She put it in her cart and went to the leash aisle. She grabbed one and put it in the cart. She went to the treat aisle.
  3. She picked up a bag and looked at the ingredient section. She looked at it in disgust and picked up another bag. She put it in there. You got bored. Then she looked in the bed aisle. She picked a bed and put it down.
  4. She opened the cage. You stretch and shook. You went on the bed and quickly went back up. She put another one down. You went in it and wagged your tail.
  5. She put you back in the cage and locked it. She put the bed in the cart, She went to the line. She bought it all and went to the car. She put it all in the back seat. She put your bed in the front seat.
  6. She unlocked the cage and grabbed you. She put you in your bed. You wagged your tail. She smiled and pet you for a minute. She started the car and went home.
  7. Y'all arrived home. She put you and your bed right next to the window. She put the treats in the pantry. She put the collar on you. She put the leash in the extra stuff drawer.
  8. She went on the couch and put on the TV. She looked bored. So you went in front of her and barked. She grabbed the leash and her phone. She put on her tennis shoes and clicked the leash on you.
  9. She turned off the TV and went outside the door. You walked behind her so you won't drag her. She bumped into Steve and Jack. You and Jack wrestled for a minute. Athena and Steve were talking about the next video tomorrow.
  10. They agreed and they walked together. Y'all went to the beach. You and Jack went in the water to swim. During Steve and Athena were walking on the shoreline barefooted.
  11. Suddenly Steve said,"I have something to confess." Athena said,"So do I." Then they said,"I like you more than BFFs." Jack and you saw it. Y'all howled and barked.
  12. They smiled and dance. They put their shoes and socks back on. Jack said,"Hey _________ I want to be yours forever." You said,"I'll think about it." Then y'all went back home.
  13. Mary put her stuff up and grabbed a Bible. She read out loud. She said,"The lord is my strength and my soul." Then she got done. She grabbed a robe and took a shower.
  14. She got out, She sung 'Flawless' from Mercyme. She got done and carried you to bed. She said,"Goodnight my little angel." Then turned off the light. She fell asleep and started to squirm.
  15. You licked her face and neck. She woke up and said,"Satan is nothing but evil you jerk!" She looked around and found you. She said,"Thank you." She went back to sleep. You fell asleep and dreamed about what happened on the beach.
  16. Cliff-hanger!

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