~WARRIOR CATS QUIZ~ {For our fwend!}

We made this quiz for our fwend (and because we were bored) BUT YOU CAN DO IT TOO!. This is our first quiz so plz no hate if we are bad. We're still getting the hang of this.

Also, this is a girls only quiz... so boys, i hope you understand that you can't do this quiz, unless you really feel like it, then go ahead. Hope u like your answer

Created by: The Bacon Childrens!
  1. Lets start with something easy. What color is your fur?
  2. what is your personality like?
  3. do you have a mate?
  4. Do you THINK you get along with your clanmates?
  5. What color eyes do you have?
  6. Will you follow the Warrior Code?
  7. what role would you like to have?
  8. what is one of the things you like to do?
  9. what is your hobby?
  10. What clan are you in?

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