~*How Well Do You Think You Know Me?*~

I am wasting my time. I really should be writing a paper or studying for my exams next week but I cant concentrate so I made a quiz about myself for my friends to take when they become as distracted as I am currently.

So thank you for taking this quiz and I wish you the best of luck in taking it! Hopefully I know you who is taking it and I'll be happy to hear on how you scored! YAY! Let's go to candy mountain! Lets get some shoes! Blood Muffins!

Created by: Lynna
  1. Where did I live the past two summers?
  2. What is my boyfriend's name?
  3. Who are my bestest girlfriends?
  4. What is my favorite TV show?
  5. What sports was I varsity captain of in high school?
  6. How many years have I known how to snowboard?
  7. What kind of dog do I want?
  8. What is my heritage?
  9. Who are my parents?
  10. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Quiz topic: ~*How Well do I Think You Know Me?*~