{For Boys} I date you?

Well, I just would host this quiz to give you board people something to do and as you can tell, something for me to do. Can't say how many weird quizzes I've took...

Hahaha. You lonely suckers. Ehh. I'm a girl so I only want boys taking this quiz. I'm straight and not gay. "Shivers." I just don't like gay people. They creep me out sometimes.

Created by: Reflection

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. More pointing; Your age?
  2. Are you goth?
  3. Ever cheated on a girl?
  4. What skin color do you have?
  5. Live in the United States?
  6. Do you like country music or pop or rap?
  7. How country are you on the scale of 1-10?
  8. What color hair do you have?
  9. Eye color?
  10. Last one! How boring was this quiz?

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