everybody knows that aerosmith is one of the best bands in the history of classic rock and i was bored and thought i would make a quiz based on them if you score lower than 80 than i am really sorry for you and if you have never heard of them i bet you will die a virgin!

are you the ultamite aerosmith fan? have you memorized every single song by heart? do you think you have what it takes to be aerosmith's #1 fan? well take my quiz and find out. dont forget to rate and leave a comment please and once again i can promise you if you score less than 80 you are and forever will be a virgin... GOOD LUCK:-)

Created by: mikayla
  1. which line is not aerosmith?
  2. steven tyler is mostly known for his big...
  3. what band did aerosmith do more that one covers of their songs?
  4. dude looks like a lady is about
  5. finish the song... I could stay awake just to here you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while your far away dreaming i could kiss your eyes and think i'll live forever i just wanna
  6. the devils gotta new
  7. which one is NOT an album by aerosmith?
  8. are you enjoying this quiz?
  9. is steven tyler hot?!?!?
  10. are you going to buy an aerosmith album after this quiz?

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