7 Minutes in HOT SEXY Heaven!

Don't bother reading this......seriously, don't.......why the hell are you reading this?.............take the quiz already!...................bye!........

Why do they make us do a second paragraph???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:(

Created by: JukeBoxLuvah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I invite you to a party, what you say?
  2. So you're there anyways, you see we're playing 7 minutes in heaven.
  3. You do it cause I make everyone pressure you.....heh heh. Anyways, what number number you pick?
  4. Pick one.....
  5. Sorry, I has to do six more questions
  6. So, what kind of guy do you like/want?
  7. Okay, done now...
  9. Okay, what is the sexiest guy name EVER? (These are not the names of the boys at the party)
  10. Ready to go in the closet.....?

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