10 Secrets (part 7)

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i am so freakishly awesome that you all can't handle it and then the whole world will explode because of it and only the freakishly awesome people like me will be living. Okay enjoy this part. :D.

Recaps: You finished training for the day. As you were going to your room, Dylan asked you to be his date on a double date he was going on with Katie. You also had a weird dream.

Created by: laurenblah75
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I can hardly even remember my dream, but there is something I remember. Something horrible. There was this voice. It was calling for my help. I could hear its screams and cries. I could feel its pain and terror. Whoever this was, was desperate for help. My help. What could I do to help it though. I didn't have enough information. This nightmare I experienced was meaningful. I had to do something.
  2. I woke up almost completely out of breath, gasping for air. I felt like I was being strangled to death. I had to remind myself that it was only a dream and nothing would happen. I got up and did the usual. I thought of positive things to look forward to. Tonight, I have that date with Dylan and once I go downstairs I can see some of my friends who can comfort me. Melinda would know what to say. Anyways about Dylan. Its not that I don't like Dylan, its just I don't know how to feel about tonight. I know that we are friends, but are we more. I hate thinking this, but I HOPE NOT! The only reason I said yes was because Dylan was a friend in the need of a little help. I mean, he would have done the same if it was the other way around. I'm a good friend for saying yes. Plus I would feel bad if I said no because I think he likes me. He's nice and all but I'm good with just being friends for now. And as for Josh, Parker, and Brody, I feel the same way about them. I can't just choose one without creating a war between the four of them.
  3. "Tonight the three of YOU are going on a double date! OH MY GOSH!" Connie said. "Well yeah. What did you just find out or something?" I asked. "Yeah. Literally 5 minjtes before you came downstairs!" "Haha wow! I though everyone knew already." I said. "Yeah it was everyone except Connie apparently. We told everyone last night. I guess somebody wasn't listening." Katie said then looked over at Connie. "Really whoops!" Connie just smiled. "Well anyways. I see one flaw to your whol plan." She continued on. "Mason. You all know he sent a spy out to capture Kendra and Brody. What happens if you run into the spy while you are on your date? Better yet, what if instead of getting just having Kendra captured, he captures all 3 of you!" Connie explained. "Connie, relax. I won't let anything bad happen to Kendra. In fact, I'll make sure one of us is with her at all times. If Katie or her need to go to the bathroom then both of them can go together. Any other time, I'll stay right next to her. Ok? I think we'll be fine." Dylan said.
  4. "Fine. I just need to know where you guys are going. Just so if any of us here think something is wrong we can come check it out." Connie said. "Well we have to meet Jake there at 7. We are just gonna walk to the actual public beach area and then go to some restraunt for dinner. Then walk for while. We should be home by 9." Katie said. "Good. Now its like 11:30 and everyone needs to wake up. Well at least Abby does. Today you and Abby get to train together." Connie said. She got up and went upstairs. "Well, I'm starving. I'm going to go get something to eat." I said. Connie would probably wake Abby up with the usual ABBY WAKE UP! yelling in her face thing. I walked off into the kitchen and found an apple. I munched on that until I saw that Melinda was coming down the stairs.She came over and sat at a barstool. I continued to stand where I was.
  5. Hey Kendra! What's new! We haven't gotten to talk to much." Melinda said. "Well I don't think I need to explain the whole imma super human thing, but there is something on my mind I think I should tell you." I said "What would that be Kendra?" She then winked at me. "Somethin about you and Dylan." She said. "WHAT! No! I don't feel that way!" I said. "Well then who do you like. I mean come on you have 4 guys chasing after you and you don't take advantage of it. I mean come on Kendra. Who do you like?"
  6. "Melinda. I don't feel that way about any of the guys. They are all just great friends. That's it." I said. "Sure Kendra. We can finish this conversation later. Now anyways what was it you wanted to tell me?" Melinda asked. "Last night I had this dream. I can only remember somethings though. There was this voice screaming for my help. She even called my name out. It was horrible. I feel like my dream was more than just any dream. It meant something." I said. Melinda just looked at me concerned. "Well. I remember reading something about the chosen ones have more than just your average abilities. I'll look into it for you. I'll ask Brody if he has been having any bizzare dreams like that. I don't think that its good." Melinda said. That wasn't what I wanted to hear. The fact that this dream probably did mean something and that it can't be any good, wasn't positive. "Alright. If anything else happens tonight in my dream then I'll let you know." I said. Not to soon after Connke came back downstairs with Abby. "Ok Kendra! Ready to start our training day!" Abby asked. "Sure let's go." I said.
  7. We walked into the basement. On the way there I threw away my apple core. "Ok so today I think we will work on concentration and I will tell you how to work on protecting you mind. Sound good?" Abby asked "Yeah. Your my trainer. Your the one who should be all like we are doing this! Like it or not!" Abby just laughted. "Alright! Ok so mind reading is frickin amazing. You can get all the information that you need from other people. That is if they can't protect themself. You can get secrets, answers. And everything! Ok so now we get to learn about protecting your mind. Its weird, but it work. First I wanna get a feel of how strong your mind is without protection. Go ahead and think of something. Its exactly what we did yesterday with Brody." Abby said. I thought about feathers.  I gave Abby the ok to tell me what I am thinking. "Feathers. Your mind is pretty strong on its own. Once you get the hang of protection, Brody should be the only person able to read your mind. That's because you two are the chosen ones. Duh. You probably figured it out, but I wanted to clarify. Ok so in order to protect your mind you just think of tbe world stop. Sounds rediculous right. Give it a try." Abby instructed.
  8. Stop. Well this should be easy. I think this time a good thing to think of is a regular old bush. I nobbed." I can still read your mind. A bush. Stop shouldn't be your secondary thought. It should be your main thought. Bush is your secondary thought. It is easiest for me to think about a stoplight of a stop sign. Stop is the first thing you think of when you see those things anyways. Lets give this another shot. Remember stop. Your other thought I'm trying to read should also be a focus, but its not your main one." Abby explained.
  9. Abby got a confused look on her face. "Wow Kendra. That was extremely difficult. You are really improving. Its ok though. I hate to break it to ya, but I still got though. You were thinking about peanut butter!" Abby said. "Aww thanks." I said back. "Ok im tired of doing this you can read my mind now. Besides its obvious you can do this whole protection thing anyways. Ok now we will do the same, but you guess my thoughts." I agreed and we began to practice my mind reading. "Ok what am I thinking of?" Abby asked. I was unsure, but I like it was a pumpkin. "A pumpkin??" I asked. "Yep. That was with protection too! Ok how about now?" "Blue hair? What!" "Yeah. You got both! I was thinking of blue hair cquse I've always wondered what it would be like to have blue hair. It would be so awesome! Ok one more and we can call it quits!" "Ok. You were thinking of a ladybug! Am I right?" I said. "Yeah! And now we're done! Yay! Lets go!"
  10. We went back upstairs. "Hey, so how did your training go." Parker asked. He was in the kitchen with Josh. "Pretty good. Kendra can really catch on quick! She learned how to protect her mind too!" Abby said. "Haha. Oh I can't wait until our training time together Kendra. Its gonna be great. It sounds like you and Abby had fun, just wait til its my turn." Josh said. I looked over and Parker and he just rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever Josh." He said. I couldn't help but laugh.
  11. **TIME FORWARD**  "Kendra. I forgot to show you one more thing in training today! Whoops. Come on!" Abby said. She grabbed my arm and lead me to her room. She slammed the door shut once we got in. "Abby. Can you make it quick. I kinda got to get ready for my date tonight. Its already 5:30!" I said. "Oh don't worry! My exact point. We finished training, I'm gonna help get you ready!" Abby threw a towel at me and rushed me to her bathroom, shoved me in it, and closed the door. "Take a shower. Just wrap yourself in the towel when your done and come out. I got the clothing all covered." Abby yelled. I took a shower as Abby demanded. I was a little scared to see what and how Abby was gonna get me ready. I mean all I planned on doing was putting on a cute shirt and spraying on some perfume. Nothing fancy.  I got out of the shower and yelled out to Abby I was done.
  12. "Come on out here then!" Abby hollard. I opened up the door and walked out. The first thing I noticed was the huge stack of clothes on Abby's bed. "Ok come make a pick." She said. I walked over to her bed. A pink shirt caught my eye. "How about this one with these black strapped sandles and some skinny jeans?" I said. "Nice! Ok and how about assesories!" I looked at Abby like she was kidding. "Come on, you know I never wear jewelry. How about just a hairtie?" I love wearing them on my wrist! Abby allowed it. Now it was time for my hair. I asked Abby if I could borrow her blow dryer. I desided I'd wear my hair strait down like I always do. Once I was finished with that Abby had a question. "I know you don't usually wear makeup, but PLEASE!" Abby asked. "Okay. Fine." I went back over to the bathroom and Abby followed. I closed my eyes and let Abby take over. I was pleading to myself that she wouldn't overdo it. I just want to look casual. I knew it would soon be time for the date too. I wasn't nervous though. "Go ahead and open your eyes!" Abby squeaked. It wasn't what I was expecting. I could recognize myself. I wasn't to bad looking either!."So what do you think?" She asked. "Well.... its not to bad. I like it." Abby was happy. "Ok. One last time before I send you out." Abby put my favorite perfume on me. I smelt amazing now! I walked downstairs. It was 6:45. Dylan and Katie were waiting.
  13. I walked over to them. "Wow Kendra you look...WOW." Dylan said. "Haha. Your not to bad looking yourself either." Dylan was wear dark jeans and a blue plaid button up shirt. He even had his hair all nice. The shade of blue went perfectly with his eyes. Katke on the other hand was wearing some black short shorts and a pretty white blouse. Her hair was curled too! We all left the house and began walking to the public beach area. I kept sinking in the sand. I didn't mind it because that wa one of the many reasons why I loved the beach. "I think you and Jake will get along just fine! " Katie told me.  Dylan and him already know each other. We finally reached our destination. Katie ran out to some guy. My guess was that it was Jake. He had nice brown hair and his eyes were bright blue. Katie hugged him and they kissed. Both of them afterwards were smiling with pleasure. Dylan and I just stood there awkwardly until Jake said hi to Dylan. "Hey Jake. This is my date, Kendra." He said. "Hey Kendra. Nice to meet you." Jake said. "Hi" I said back shyly. "We should get going our reservations are at 7:15." Jake said. Katie and Jake walked togther holding hands.
  14. Hey Dylan, so how did they meet?" I asked. "Well. I think it was at school and they had 2 classes together. I guess it went forward from there." He said. "Does Katie go to our school?" "Yeah. Jake, Josh, Connie, and her are all in the grade above us though." That means they are in 10th grade. Hum... "Wow." I said. "Oh Kendra you're so..."Dylan said. "So what?" I asked. "You're so...I don't know." "Yeah you do Dylan. Spill it." "Fine cute." "OMG DYLAN. I'm so not!" I said in a joking way. "Yes you are." He said. "Whatever. We can finish this later." I said.  We arrived at the restraunt. It was called Sea of Moonlight. The inside of it was all romantic. "Nice place." Dylan said. We got seated and a waiter came by and took our drink orders. I got some coke.
  15. Dylan sat across from me and Katie sat next to me. For dinner I ordered some shrimp fettechini. While we ate, I learned some more things about Jake. He hasn't had the best life. His parents got a divorse when he was at a young age, his mom died a few ears later due to cancer, and he was bullied alot. Poor Jake. At least so far, from what I can tell, he has a good personality. He is very protective of Katie.The rest of the date we just talked about stupid stuff.
  16. We were standing on the beach when a car pulled up. Jake said it was his ride. He hugged Katie goodbye and said bye to Dylan, but not me. Something was wrong here. Before Jake left, he pulled something out of his pocket. It almost looked like a gun. Before any of us could react he shot us all with it. Eveeything went blury and I passed out. What a great date with Dylan. At least, I wasn't dead. I could hear my surroundings.
  17. Who do You like??????
  18. Ok. Thats part 7. Hope you liked it. Sorry for it being late! And ha. I got it out today! Its like 11 where im at and so i did it. Im visiting my grandma so yay! Lol bye guys!

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