10 Hard SpongeBob Episode Questions: In the Beginning

Hi! What's up? Howdy! However you like to be greeted, this quiz is for SpongeBob Fan ONLY, that is, if you THINK you are! To see how to take this quiz, read below.

Step 1: This quiz is designed for SpongeBob Fans. Step 2: The Episode is listed as the question. Pick on of four possible order numbers. Example: "Help Wanted" Episode One. Do YOU hav the brains to score high? Are you a SpongeBob fan? Are your friends right or wrong about you? For al of the questions will be answered in just a few minutes!

Created by: Nathan Warner
  1. The Chaperone
  2. Employee of the Month
  3. Séance Shméance
  4. Kenny the Cat
  5. Gary's New Toy
  6. The Other Patty
  7. Love That Squid
  8. Help Wanted
  9. Imitation Krabs
  10. Bossy Boots

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