Are You a True HRVY Fan?

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A rising pop singer, HRVY is young and on fire! This increasingly known artist has gained popularity rapidly with his upbeat songs. I honestly can't believe there's not a quiz for him yet!

So here you go, a chance to test what you know. Are you a hardcore fan, or just an interested music enthusiast? Well, have at it! Some of these questions are pretty hard, though, so good luck! I hope you enjoy this quiz, and please, check out the link below to hear his awesome hits!! Have fun :)

Created by: LarktheSkywing of HRVY on Spotify
(your link here more info)
  1. What is HRVY's real name?
  2. What is HRVY's most popular song that has had over 170 million views on YouTube?
  3. Which of these artists has HRVY not collaborated with?
  4. Where was HRVY born?
  5. What year did HRVY start his musical career?
  6. Which of these songs are by HRVY?
  7. What pet does HRVY has?
  8. Who are HRVY's parents?
  9. What is HRVY's most recent song, as of 2024?
  10. Does HRVY have any siblings?
  11. What is HRVY's debut work?
  12. When was HRVY born?
  13. Which TV show did HRVY appear on as a guest presenter?
  14. What record label was HRVY signed to before he became an independent artist?
  15. What South Korean boy band has HRVY recently collaborated with?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True HRVY Fan?
