whos you hogwarts best friend?

so what you have to do is to answer these simple questionsand you will find out who your hogwarts best friend might be.the chocies are harry ron or herminoe.

you are a very good charicter with a good hart good, good soul,anda wonderful personality.So............. gooood luck and share this with your friends. Thank you!

Created by: ray
  1. someone stills your wand! What do you do?
  2. what is your patronus?
  3. pofferser snape gave you homework but you forgot to do it what do you do?
  4. what is your favorit snake?
  5. which pet would you want?
  6. whats your favorit hobby
  7. do you like muggle or pure bloods more?
  8. are you fearless?
  9. which charicter do you think you are?
  10. who would you rather be ?

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