Which P&TG Member Are You

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Puke & the Gang formed out of the aftermath of the Free Talk Live: Sunday Edition co-host cull. From that blood-bath emerged a rag-tag group of erstwhile freedom-fighting pod-cast rebels. Hyphenated words abounded! Now you can enjoy Puke & the Gang (Puke, Andrew, & Nick) every week as we tell our silly stories, complain about everything, commentate on the news, and generally talk about things your mother won't approve of

So now you must be dying to know which one of this cast of characters you are most like. Just take this simple quiz and we will let you know. No animals were harmed in the creation of this quiz, unfortunately.

Created by: rickj00
  1. Beer, Wine, or Liquor?
  2. Manscaping, Yes or NO
  3. Walk, Run, or Drive ?
  4. Bi-Curios
  5. Living Arrangements
  6. Your Favorite Female Co-host or guest
  7. Your Favorite Male Co-host or guest
  8. Cat person, or Dog person
  9. Favorite dating site
  10. Favorite Historical Figure

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Quiz topic: Which P&TG Member am I